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Apollo 11 VR HD Download For Windows 10


About This Game Apollo 11 VR HD is the story of the greatest journey ever taken by humankind. Now you get to experience this historic event through the eyes of those who lived through it. Using a mix of original archive audio and video together with accurate recreations of the spacecraft and locations, all set to inspirational music, get set for an experience that will not only educate you but will also leave a lasting impression and deep respect for the men and women who worked on the Apollo program during NASA’s golden era.Apollo 11 VR HD is a complete remake of the very popular Apollo 11 VR which was a launch title on the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. This new version has all new assets, new textures, new animation, new lighting, revamped audio and Windows MR support. What to do inside Apollo 11 VR HD ?[Take control of the command module for docking with the lunar module][Take control of the lunar module and land it on the moons surface][Explore the Apollo 11 landing site and deploy the original experiments][Explore every detail of the LM and CM at your own pace]If you don't want to play the game elements you can sit back, relax and enjoy the original full experience with new demo options allowing you to pick and choose which sections to play. Available for Arcades on SpringboardVR 6d5b4406ea Title: Apollo 11 VR HDGenre: Adventure, SimulationDeveloper:Immersive VR Education Ltd.Publisher:Immersive VR Education Ltd.Release Date: 23 Nov, 2018 Apollo 11 VR HD Download For Windows 10 Oh this is absolutely awesome! Definitely worth the $$$ I paid. I just wish it was longer. Tip for non-VR users: DO NOT try to start the simulation from the desktop shortcut. Click the "Launch on Monitor" in the Apollo 11 VR HD tab on the Games menu (you can access that by Right clicking the game title on the game list on the side). Otherwise you won't be able to look around and your experience will really suck. As it was I found it accidentally when I thought was going to uninstall it. Glad I didn't! The music matches the graphics well and it is a great experience. I have read about this mission all my life but I don't think I really understood it until I experienced this simulation.I hope that there will be more experiences from this Developer, other than the other two (that I already have) for the Titanic and the British WWII bombing mission (both of which are available on Steam btw).One minor gripe: The Developers REALLY need to be more responsive to Steam customers. They do respond but it seems they take much longer compared to other Developers. Still, they make great simulations!. If you love space and have a VR headset, this is a must buy. It's a short experience 1-2 hours, depending on how well you do in the sections where you take control, but it's well worth full price. And once you're done with it, you can show it to your space-loving friends and see how amazed they are with it. They'll probably be either crying or grinning with joy.Basically, you feel like you're there for this momentous historical occassion and that makes this a very unique VR experience.. It's not bad, but it's not what I expected. I had some notable problems playing this with Oculus Rift. The look sensitivity was way too high, which creates motion sickness. The tutorial screens currently don't show Oculus controls. Both controllers are required to dock but the instructions say that only one controller is required. Took a while to figure out why I couldn't translate the command module. I still don't know how to perform the lunar descent: the controls don't seem to do anything.If you're not sitting perfectly still in the center of your play area, your head will be outside of your space suit or even outside of the space craft.I was also hoping to see more parts of the mission, like the lunar capture burn, re-docking with the command module after lunar ascent, crew transfer, etc. But overall it was a satisfying experience and quite cinematic.I got it on sale and it was worth the experience to me. But until the over-sensitivity and Oculus controls are patched, my recommendation is \ud83d\udc4e.. Brilliant experience. Really got to me in a way I wasn't expecting. I think the direction and visuals are first class and the music is beautiful. A greap app for showing off VR and it's unique ability to place a person in a moment. Cinematic mode is the way to go as the gameplay bits are a bit annouinh tbh.. Absolutely fantastic! As a new owner of a Pimax VR headset, I just tried this experience and it blew my mind. Much nicer graphics than in the original, lots of small detail. There were some graphical glitches in the command module (shadow mismatch in one eye) and some rocks on the lunar surface popping in and out of view in the peripheral vision (i guess due to the extra wide fov) but the rest of the experience was flawless. Well worth the asking price for a memorable experience.. This is the greatest "out of this world" experience I ever had. Finally, everyone can feel, see, experience what the astronauts saw when they arrived to the Moon's orbit. Wonderfully detailed Saturn V rocket, moon view, Earth view. The music - you could write a book about it. Perfect, amazing, unique, fantastic music. The music is class of its own here!I especially love the music from TLC part and re-entry. But also from Moon arrival. Really, super. I would continue to work with that musician for next apps. He is a genius. A guy originally from Poland.A little constructive criticism what you could fix in an update (really, please do it, not huge work to do, the effect will be very visibl):1. During Saturn's Start I miss the details of the ground. When I look outside the cabin (I stand), I see ... almost total lack of details around the rocket, which were visible just a moment before when we were flying down the Saturn rocket to get on the elevator. It is too empty around during start. That launchpad stuff should stay were it was.2. When we reach space during start, I would make the Earth even more detailes (the moment the rocket is joining us from the lower parts of atmosphere). Make more detailed ground, higher resolution and fix some weird straight lines in clouds.3. When two modules connect (I stood to look outside the cabin) there was a little offset. They did not nicely connect in center. You know what I mean. You can see the landing module and command module are displaced against each other. Should be a simple fix.4. Let us leave the cabin with joystick (Windows Mixed reality) and move freely in space around the currently playing part. I wish to see modules joining in space from the outside, not only from the inside. It is all very interesting to observe.5. Moon arrival- wow...That's, a truly jaw dropping part. One thing. Please make the Moon from orbit EVEN MORE detailed. It is already very very nice, but I would add even more resolution to that. Is it possible?6. Moon arrival - The landing module, to show people the scale of things, should go down and down and down and almost completely disappear. Those who watch it will understand how big the Moon is against the lander. The lander simply disappears as a tiny, few pixel object. I know it is not easy task in terms of TIME. You wanted it all to be in real-time - The lander slowly descends. Sure. But please add maybe 20 more seconds to this part and let the lander be reduced to a few pixels. This will be BIG. Let us feel the scale, the 120 km orbit altitude.7. I know it is very hard, but would it be possible, to make "sand" on Moon? You added little dust coming out from astronaut's boots - this is soo good. so good attention to details. But the surface of the Moon looks kind of like a flat image projected on surface. Maybe Tesselation? Add more depth to the ground?8. Earth from Moon's surface looks too blurred. Can anything be done about it? 9. I greatly miss the part where the lander returns to the orbit from Moon and connects to the command module (at least the view from outside, 15-20 seconds to let people and kids watching it understand how it all happened the Moon lander reached Earth back. It was cut and I would not cut it.10. Re-entry - This is a SPECTACULAR PART. I watched it like 20 times already. While everything is so amazing here, I noticed clouds during parachute descend are coming out of small circle, which kills realism. Please, move cloud generation say... 200 meters bellow the landing capsule, so clouds around the capsule are already like a fog and cloud. Not round circles generated 50 meters bellow the capsule:)11. I greatly miss the opportunity to walk freely on Moon in say 1 km square around the lander. Normal teleport mode like in Steam Home or movement with joysticks. For ultimate experience there could have been a 2 km mountain there so you could walk up and see the lander from say 1 km altitude. The above would be amazing to see. It was extraordinary you decided to update the original Apollo 11 with HD version. The original was soo much worse than HD. HD is the version which should have been released originally. I would not take money from those who bought the original Apollo 11, but offer a free update of that app.Please fix things above for perfection level. This app will be shown to kids everywhere. It matters how it all looks in the smallest details. I imagine seeing this with 2080 RTX card (which I own) and raytracing... :)PS: Add Windows Mixed reality as supported devices. I played it perfectly on Samsung Odyssey Plus. Add more tags like "space" "orbit" "lunar" "moon" "earth" - You are losing potential customers who don't know it works very well on WMR and can't find you by more tags.. This title is amazing. Absoutley worth the price and the gold standard of VR experiences. If you played the orginal I'd still recommend buying this product. It is much more detailed with textures especially the moon which now shows uneven ground and the character animations which go a long way to making them more life like. It is still bascially the same experience but with more graphical detail which I felt added a lot.For the Devs the only thing I would like to see different is for the Atlas lift off to have no music and blast the archive sounds of the launch at a very high volume. That would add a lot of immersion.If you have any interest in the lunar or space programs this is a must. It takes a fair bit to get get tears in my eyes but I sure had them. An outstanding use of VR as a medium.


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